Here is our installation of 2 Raven Sidekick Pro injection systems on a John Deere 4830 Sprayer.
We married up a Raven 4600 console to a JD 2630 Field Computer. This was done for two reasons: The most obvious is that the JD Spraystar system is not ISO compatible, so we were not able to use the ISO sidekick node. The less obvious but more important reason was that the JD ISO screen requires it’s own page – so – with multiple injection systems you are not able to see all the products being applied at the same time – which is a bit of a pain. This way, all products are viewable at once.

We custom made a mounting bracket for the 4600 so that it did block any important viewpoints.
The 4600 logs tank volumes for each injection system, and it’s boom on/off functions as well as speed input come from the 2630 system (we used a JD adapter cable to send speed to the 4600 from the ITC receiver).
Each injection system was mounted under the left side rear walkway using a custom made bracket. We used a 150L injection tank from an AgChem Talon system for pump 1, and we used the existing foam marker tank (165L) for pump 2.

The tanks were fitted with rear bottom fill using no-drip quick connectors (what you find on standard bulk totes) so they can be ground filled using chemical pumps.
The inline mixer was added just after the primary shutoff (behind main filters), located just above the rear axle. This made a neat, clean installation.
The tanks can also be top filled by jugs if the user needs to add a bit.
The system worked flawlessly on over 7,000 acres this July and August of 2015. Pump 1 was used for Coragen insecticide and pump 2 for Acapela. As these are high volume pumps (5-200oz/min) the chemicals were reduced in a 1-1 ratio with water.
Carrying capacity was over 700 acres of chemical.
The operators were able to easily cover an additional 100-150 acres per day doing their chemical applications. Plus, the added benefit is the operator was never in contact with chemical containers during each day. We found the injection systems were accurate to within 1/2 jug of chemical over the 7,000 acres!
- 1. More acres covered by the machine per day
- 2. Operator does not have to handle chemicals, mix chemicals in the field or on the side of the road
- 3. High accuracy – do not have to guess field acreages as the system only applies what it needs
- 4. Reduced waste – as the operator slows down for corners, field edges, etc., the chemicals applied are reduced based on ground speed independently of the carrier – therefore the sprayer can apply at a high enough gallonage for good spray patterns while the injection systems will adjust the chemicals.
- 5. Easy boom cleanout/cleanup as chemicals are never in the tank. Simply shut the injection systems off and spray out clean water from product tank to rinse.
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have.