Based on feedback from our customers, we are pleased to offer a Training Series on Raven products. This will be a combination of 6, 1 hour long sessions using the Zoom platform. All sessions will be recorded, so registered users will be able to go back and view later on if they wish. If you… CLICK HERE to Read More
Category: Uncategorized
Field Corn Contest 2020, Haggerty Creek Ltd.
In lieu of the fact that fall fairs have been cancelled this year, we thought that kids should still get the chance to participate in some way with fall harvest contests. Our kids have always enjoyed entering the “corn contests” at both the Glencoe Fair and Brooke-Alvinston fair. So – we thought why not run… CLICK HERE to Read More
Assistant Manager
Haggerty Creek Ltd – Assistant Branch Manager – July 2019
AgGrower Daily Dashboard Released
Please see the attached news release to learn more about our weather information project we are participating in with AGRIS Cooperative and Wanstead Farmers Cooperative. GF20396FINALNEWSReleaseOMAFRATSEditsMay242016
2016 Neonic Forms
Don’t forget about the neonic regulations for planting seed for 2016!. Talk to Tom, Al or Marty about what you require for your seed orders.
Zone Developer
We have access to an EM38 instrument to map soil Electrical Conductivity (EC). It is being pulled through the field using an RTK equipped ATV. The following document outlines the benefits. This data is used to augment yield monitor and soil sampling data to generate a “picture” of soil textures for making management zones for… CLICK HERE to Read More
Dekalb Xtend Soybeans
An update on the program for the dicamba tolerant soybeans (Roundup Ready Xtend) DeKalb is very certain that market approval will be given but it is not official yet. We are taking orders for the seed, but if it happens that said approvals fall short, or late, for the 2016 planting season we will substitute… CLICK HERE to Read More
Grower Pesticide Education Course – February 12th
On February 12th, Haggerty is pleased to host an Ontario Grower Pesticide Course. Location will be at the Cairo United Church, 7563 Haggerty Road (located just West of 79 Highway-Cairo Road, south of Bentpath Line). Starting time is 8:45am running all day until approximately 4pm. Lunch is provided. For those renewing their licenses and wishing… CLICK HERE to Read More
Oct 10th USDA Report Summary
My comment is that this is report where everyone knew what was going to happen. USDA pegged corn yield at 174.2, up from 171.7 in September. Soybean yield up to 47.1 bu from 46.6 All in all a big crop. That, said, the markets have been positive before and following. That said –… CLICK HERE to Read More
Grain Marketing Outlook with Jeff Sherman from Mid-Co
Jeff Sherman is the commodity risk consultant from MIDCO Commodities located in Des Moines, Iowa. He has 20 years experience in trading cash grain futures. This is his fifth trip to Ontario giving a perspective on the North American and world grain markets. There are 3 locations available to Haggerty customers: Wardsville Golf Club – February… CLICK HERE to Read More