Article recevied from Dale Cown, Senior Agronomist SCS / Sales Manager AGRIS – June 15, 2013
June has been a cool month. The attached file from WIN shows CHU deviations for first half of June. There is a reason for some of the corn and soybeans to have a slow recovery from frost or excessive moisture or other physical stresses such as soil compaction (abiotic stress).
- If farmers are wanting to perk up the appearance of their crops….
- We can tell them to be patient and wait for the heat to fix things up or if they really want something to spray we do have Crop Booster.
- If soys are Mn deficient we have AGRISMN5 to go with the glyphosate that has FS Enact already in it ( available in bulk) or ReliefMn.
- When recommending manganese (Mn) make sure to mention that a second spray of Mn may be necessary if rapid growth conditions resume or if dry weather returns.
- Cover that expectation now.